Notice regarding the defect of “Share Setting” of friends in Timeline during certain period of time
We regret to inform you that there was a defect in LINE Timeline where “Share Setting” of friends did not accurately reflect user's settings, which occured from April 29, 2020 until May 4, 2020 due to system setting failure. This defect was recovered by 15:00, May 4, 2020, and have not occurred for period other than the above.
The details of this impact is as follows:
- Affected Period: from April 29, 2020 17:00 until May 4, 2020 15:00 (UTC+9)
- Affected Subject: If a user took either of the following actions to user’s friend during the above said period, such friend will be affected.
- Newly added friends while the “Allow new friends” function is turned off
- Friends who users had set as “excluded” in user’s “share setting” - Content of the defect: The ""excluded"" function in the ""share setting"" did not function correctly, and the above friend can access and view user’s post which user shared with user’s friends if such person accessed it by visiting your Home.
* This defect did not affect posts made under other privacy settings, such as posts made to “close friend list.”
We are very sorry for this inconvenience. From now on, we will make effort to prevent recurrence by strengthening the checking system when setting up the sysytem .
For any inquiry, please contact us via the inquiry form below.
◼LINE貼文串好友「分享範圍設定」 功能於特定期間發生錯誤說明
- 影響期間:2020年4月29日17:00至2020年5月4日15:00(UTC+9)
- 影響對象:於上述期間內,執行以下任一項操作之用戶
-將「公開範圍設定」內的好友,設定為「非公開」之用戶 - 影響結果:在這段期間內將 「向好友公開」選項關閉後的新增好友之用戶,由於非公開設定未正確反映,其好友仍能從個人主頁的貼文入口看到貼文