LINE Corporation has reorganized to LY Corporation on October 1, 2023.
Please click here to visit the corporate website of LY Corporation.
The information contained in this page is as of September 30, 2023.

Privacy Principles

All of our services at LINE are built on trust, along with a commitment to always protect your privacy properly. As part of that commitment—as well as to comply with all applicable privacy rules and regulations—we make a point of following these principles:

  • 1. Collecting only the personal data that is reasonably necessary for accomplishing the purpose of use;
  • 2. Clearly informing you about the personal data we collect;
  • 3. Clearly informing you why we collect that information;
  • 4. Establishing the appropriate controls to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal data;
  • 5. Deleting personal data once its purpose of use has been completed;
  • 6. Fully respecting all of your privacy rights;
  • 7. Explaining our privacy practices in a clear and straightforward manner; and,
  • 8. Strictly following all the privacy commitments we make to you.