

NHN Japan 株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:森川 亮、以下NHN Japan)は、NHN Japanが行うゲーム事業とウェブサービス事業の会社分割を検討しております。ゲーム事業は新設分割によって設立するHangame株式会社(仮称)が承継、NHN Japanが引き続きウェブサービス事業を展開し今後LINE株式会社(仮称)に商号変更する計画です。なお、詳細につきましては、正式に決定され次第、すみやかに公表いたします。


NHN Japanは、2012年1月に「ハンゲーム」「NAVER」「livedoor」を運営する3社(NHN Japan 株式会社・ネイバージャパン株式会社・株式会社ライブドア)を経営統合して以来、各事業間の相乗効果を発揮し当初想定していた以上の速さで事業規模を拡大してまいりました。その一方で、当社を取り巻く環境は急速に変化し、PC・フィーチャーフォンからスマートフォンへのデバイスシフトが世界的に加速するなど、インターネット市場に大きなうねりが生じています。



ゲーム事業を承継するHangame株式会社(仮称)では、ゲーム制作・運営組織を細分化することで優良なタイトルをスピーディーに投入できる体制を構築し、引き続きスマートフォン・PC向けに高クオリティのゲームを提供してまいります。特にスマートフォン向けゲームでは、公開2か月で世界累計2,000万ダウンロードを突破した「LINE POP」などの実績が示すとおり、「LINE」のゲームプラットフォームである「LINE GAME」向けアプリ開発に大きな強みを保有しています。スマートフォン向けでは引き続き「LINE GAME」向けにゲームアプリを制作・運営していくほか、独自ブランドでの展開も国内外で行っていく予定です。


さらに、「LINE」事業の海外展開強化を目的に、LINE株式会社(仮称)の子会社として、NHN Corporation1)と合弁でLINE PLUS Corporationを設立いたします(出資比率はLINE株式会社(仮称)が60%、NHN Corporationが40%)。

なお、Hangame株式会社(仮称)ならびにLINE株式会社(仮称)の代表はNHN Japan代表取締役社長の森川亮が引き続き務めます。


1)NHN Japanは、NHN Corporationの100%子会社です。
※ 記載されている会社名および製品名は、各社の登録商標または商標です。 
※ 記載されている内容は、発表日現在のものです。その後予告なしに変更されることがあります。


February 6, 2013

NHN Japan Corporation


For Media Use



Announcement of Corporate Separation


NHN Japan Corporation is currently considering a corporate separation of its Games Business Division and Web Service Business Division. In accordance with this corporate separation, the Games Business Division will be succeeded by Hangame Corporation (tentative name), while the Web Services Business Division will continue to be run by NHN Japan Corporation, with plans to change its corporate name to LINE Corporation (tentative name) in the future. Further details are scheduled to be released as soon as they are officially confirmed.



1.       Purpose of Corporate Separation

Since the business merger in January 2012 between the 3 companies that operate “Hangame”, “Naver”, and “Livedoor” (NHN Japan Corporation, Naver Japan Corporation, Livedoor Co., Ltd.), the synergy between these individual businesses has resulted in the Corporation’s scale of business expanding at a faster rate than originally expected. At the same time, the situational environment which surrounds NHN Japan Corporation has rapidly changed, such as with the worldwide shift from PC/Feature Phones to Smartphones, resulting in a large transformation of the Internet market.


This corporate separation is considered with such perspectives in mind; to enable NHN Japan Corporation to deal with such changes to its situational environment in a flexible and agile way, as well as to develop and operate competitive products from every field, and for each of those fields to hold an increased presence by anticipating the core of new paradigms within the Internet market.


2.       New Company Information

Regarding Hangame Corporation (tentative name)

Hangame Corporation (tentative name) will succeed the Games Business Division. By subdividing the organization into games production and operation, Hangame Corporation (tentative name) will be able to establish a system which can release superior titles quickly and will continue to release high-quality games for both the PC and Smartphone. This is especially the case for Smartphones, as is demonstrated by “LINE POP”, which was downloaded over 20 million times within 2 weeks of release. Hangame Corporation (tentative name) has proved very strong at developing games for “LINE’s” gaming platform “LINE GAME”. As well as continuing to develop and operate gaming applications for “LINE GAME”, there are also plans for Hangame Corporation (tentative name) to develop products under their own brand names for both Japan and abroad.


Regarding PCs, the aim is to strengthen and increase the market share of Hangame Corporation’s (tentative name) online gaming business, which holds the no.1 market share in Japan.


Regarding LINE Corporation (tentative name)

LINE Corporation (tentative name) will succeed the Web Services Business Division comprised of “LINE”, “Naver”, and “Livedoor”. Through this corporate separation, there are plans to accelerate the development and platformization of services worldwide with LINE at its axis.


Meanwhile “NAVER”, which operates Japan’s no.1 curation service, “NAVER Matome”, will continue to promote innovative services without conforming to existing notions, and “Livedoor”, which is currently Japan’s no.1 blogging and portal service, will aim for further growth, and through this both “NAVER” and “Livedoor” will aim to become no.1 in Japan for media.


Furthermore, to further strengthen “LINE’s” overseas expansion, LINE Plus Corporation will be established as a subsidiary of LINE Corporation which will be jointly managed by NHN Corporation. (The investment ratio will be as follows: LINE Corporation - 60%, NHN Corporation - 40%)


The CEO of NHN Japan Corporation, Akira Morikawa, will continue to be the representative of both Hangame Corporation (tentative name) and LINE Corporation (tentative name).




Further Information


1.       NHN Japan is a 100% subsidiary of NHN Corporation.

(NHN Japan Business HQ: Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan. CEO: Akira Morikawa)

*The company and product names stated here are trademarks or registered trademarks of the companies concerned.

*The contents here are true at the time of writing and are subject to change without notice.